Annibale Panichella

Annibale Panichella

Associate Professor

Delft University of Technology


I am an Associate Professor in the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. Within SERG, I lead the Computation Intelligence for Software Engineering Lab (CISELab), where my research focuses on advancing the fields of software testing, search-based software engineering, software testing for AI, and empirical software engineering.

I serve as the track lead for “Testing for and with AI” at the AI4SE, TU Delft’s tenth ICAI lab, funded by JetBrains, a global leader in intelligent software development tools. Additionally, I am the principal investigator for the UBRI program at TU Delft, a pioneering joint initiative with Ripple, a leader in the Blockchain sector. My research has also been funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program, focusing on test amplification (STAMP) and testing for cyber-physical systems (COSMOS).

With over 100 peer-reviewed publications in top-tier journals and conferences in software engineering and evolutionary computation, I have had the opportunity to contribute to the SE field. I am grateful to have received the Most Influential Paper Award at SANER (2024) and several Best Paper Awards at ICPC, SBFT, and SSBSE.

In addition to my research contributions, I actively contribute to the academic community by serving as a program committee member for prestigious international conferences such as ICSE, ESEC/FSE, ASE, ISSTA, GECCO, and ICST, and as a reviewer for leading journals including TSE, TOSEM, TEVC, EMSE, and STVR.

  • Computational Intelligence for Software Engineering
  • Test Case Generation and Fuzzing
  • Software Testing for AI
  • Validation of Generative AI
  • Security Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Empirical Software Engineering
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • PhD in Software Engineering, 2014

    University of Salerno


Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Security & Trust
Scientific Developer
January 2014 – December 2014 Trento, Italy
Delft University of Technology
January 2015 – September 2016 Delft, The Netherlands
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) - University of Luxembourg
Research Associate
October 2016 – February 2018 Luxembourg
Delft University of Technology
Assistant Professor
March 2018 – December 2022 Delft, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology
Associate Professor
January 2023 – Present Delft, The Netherlands


AI for Fintech Research
AI for Fintech Research (AFR) is a five year collaboration between ING and Delft University of Technology. The mission of AFR is to perform world-class research at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Software Analytics in the context of FinTech. AFR was launched in 2020.
The emergence of advanced AI-driven tools has led to a wide range of opportunities and transformations in software engineering practices and education. Recognizing this potential, JetBrains and Delft University of Technology have collaborated to establish the AI for Software Engineering Lab (AI4SE). Together, we are committed to conducting cutting-edge research on the impact and utilization of AI methodologies in software engineering. Our areas of focus include diverse facets of the domain, such as software development, testing, and programming education.
DevOps for Complex Cyber-physical Systems
Emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)—from robotics, transportation, to medical devices—play a crucial role in the quality of life of European citizens and the future of the European economy. Increasing automation to such an extent, however, gives rise to many challenges, at the crux of which lies the hardware and software symbiosis. COSMOS proposes to overcome the strain on developing and evolving high-quality, dependable CPS by employing two key technologies, namely DevOps and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These technologies offer the potential to address CPS development, verification, and evolution.
STAMP: Software Testing Amplification for DevOps
STAMP stands for Software Testing AMPlification. Leveraging advanced research in automatic test generation, STAMP aims at pushing automation in DevOps one step further through innovative methods of test amplification. STAMP will reuse existing assets (test cases, API descriptions, dependency models), in order to generate more test cases and test configurations each time the application is updated.
UBRI: University Blockchain Research Initiative
UBRI is a partnership between Ripple and top universities around the world to support academic research, technical development and innovation in blockchain, cryptocurrency and , digital payments. Ripple is providing both financial and technical resources to university partners and collaborates with faculty and students on research and technical projects.

Recent Publications

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(2024). Multi-objective differential evolution in the generation of adversarial examples. Science of Computer Programming.


(2024). Danger is My Middle Lane: Simulations from Real-World Dangerous Roads. 16th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering - New Idea and Emerging Results Track (SSBSE-NIER 2024).

PDF Project

(2024). Higher Fault Detection Through Novel Density Estimators in Unit Test Generation. 16th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2024).


(2024). Evolutionary Generative Fuzzing for Differential Testing of the Kotlin Compiler. International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE).

Code Dataset

(2024). Syntest-JavaScript: Automated Unit-Level Test Case Generation for JavaScript. The 17th Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT).

